Interview with Sandra Schäfer, Zara Zandieh and a fictive person named MAZY
KARIN REBBERT: I would like to begin the interview with questions related to how the individual projects originated. What is the relationship between the film Passing the Rainbow, the overall project SPLICE IN, the SPLICE IN festival and its continuation SECOND TAKE in Kabul?
SANDRA SCHÄFER: The film Passing the Rainbow was made prior to the festival and it was the reason why I came to Afghanistan in the first place. At the time, however, the film project still looked entirely different as far as its content was concerned. I travelled to Tehran in 2002, among other reasons, to look for the Iranian filmmaker Mohsen Makhmalbaf. He was in Kabul at the time to assist Siddiq Barmak in shooting the film Osama. We, that is Sonia Shafi and I, then spontaneously decided to travel to Kabul, where we were subsequently invited to participate in the shooting of Osama. That was the starting point of the film Passing the Rainbow…